Photographic Archive

A team of our members have been digitising all our archive of photographs. This is an ongoing project, with many more photos still to be processed.

Here are the photos so far added. Please click on a subject or theme for more – or simply view photos in each album individually or as a slideshow.

A wide selection of photographs relating to the Wychwoods is also available on the Oxfordshire County Council’s Heritage Search website here >>> [Opens in new tab ]

Photographic Archive


Images and views from the village of Ascott under Wychwood

Church Westcote

Images of Church Westcote. Album currently under update.


A growing album of images from Leafield. Album under update


Views and images from the village of Lyneham. Album under update.


Views and images of the village of Milton under Wychwood


A selection of historic images of people and families in the Wychwood villages


Views and locations in the village of Shipton under Wychwood


Transport through the ages as exemplified in the Wychwood villages

Who Are They?

Here we display a number of photos from our archive, where we have been unable to trace the individuals shown, or know their names. We invite visitors to let us know if they can help with any information.

All images on our website are low-resolution quality. High resolution versions are available on request to the society. Please contact us for more information.

Please note that the WLHS is a non profit making society, serving the local community. All photographs submitted to the society, unless otherwise directed, are preserved in the society’s archives and may be reproduced for non profit purposes such as magazine articles and papers.

Members of the WLHS who carried out the scans of John Rawlins’ extensive archive of photographs were:

AM:   Alan Murphy | AWV:   Alan Vickers | CPC:   Peter Crofts
CRB:   Chris Bailey | CST:   Chris Trotman | ELW:   Edwin Wilson
IMD:   Ian Drainer | JVW :   Janet Wiltshire