Last WI pantomime in old Shipton village hall probably 1999 showing the audience. Belinda Willson applauding in front row. Vernon and Marjorie Dean centre by the wall.
Last pantomime at old Shipton Village Hall. Pat Bannister, Pat Canning in light green dress, Jane Hills, Gail Huntingford, Barbara Wilson
Last pantomime at old Shipton Village Hall. Hillary Wilson, Christine Halliday Margaret Nicholson Gordon Halliday at the front
New Beaconsfield Hall Shipton under construction 1998
Entrance to site of former St Michael's Home Shipton 1990
Willis Court Shipton under construction May 1993
Old Waterhouse, Simons Lane Upper End. 1990.
John Hartley combine harvesting between Swinbrook Road and Leafield Road. 1995.
John Hartley combine harvesting between Swinbrook Road and Leafield Road. 1995
Photo taken by John Rawlings to show how Dutch Barns replaced Stone Barns in the 1920s/30s. Five in 1930s. Dutch Barn replaced by Silos . Shows cupboards in the Dutch Barn. Taken in 1996.
Baptist Chapel Shipton before conversion. 1995.
Baptist Chapel Shipton conversion, 1995.
Baptist Chapel Shipton interior before conversion. Looking from the rear to pulpit and door to the vestry. 1995.
Inside Shipton Baptist Church before the 1995 conversion.
Shipton village fete 1996. From left to right Roger Hitchcock, Win White, Eileen Jessy.
Anne Mathews and her husband at a Shipton fete in the 1990s
Shipton village fete 1996. Win White on right in light coat
Opening of the New Beaconsfield Hall 4 July 1998. Rosie the first hall manager is in the red shirt, John Hartley at the mike, Rev Graham Canning, Belinda Willson, Malcolm Cochrane leaning against the wall.
Turning the first sods for the construction of the New Beaconsfield Hall Shipton Probably 1997. Hamish Harvey, Anne Mathews, Annie Savil, Belinda Willson, Gordon Halliday, Jonathon Willson, Christine Halliday doing digging, John Hartley, Malcolm Cochrane, Mary Cochrane, Jackie Finley
Turning the first sods for the New Beaconsfield Hall Shipton probably 1997
Turning the first sods for the New Beaconsfield Hall Shipton probably 1997. Len Nicholson on the left in the cap, Mavis Macvicar next to him,
Opening of the New Beaconsfield Hall 1998
Guides performing Cinderella pantomime in the 1980s. Old Shipton village hall. Fourth from the left is Christine Halliday's daughter Beth, Jo Naish, Julie Dixon (daughter of Linda Dixon). The girl in glasses is Victoria Newitt
The Commuters - a regular part of the WI pantomimes in the old Shipton Village Hall. December 1993. Man in the brown suit is John Rawlins. On his left is Ian Mathews. Possibly Sir John Graham second from the left
Party for the committee of The Wychwood Magazine probably late 1990s. Back row left to right: Heather Derkacz, Cathy Pearce, Marion Ray, Beryl Brown,Ray Derkacz.Jean Harris, Tony Boardman, Doreen Barnes, Reg Ray Front row left to right: Winifred Swann, Capt Swann, Rita Sheering Lucas, Pam Perfect
View from the start of Simons Lane back towards A361 with Olivers store on the right and house on left Date probably late 1980s or early 1990s. Building on right is part of the old tillyard.
The old Shipton Village Hall demolished in 1999
Milton under Wychwood - Zoar Baptist Chapel (Strict Calvanist) - Hawkes Yard / The Terrace. Converted to a dwelling 1990
Frog Lane Milton under Wychwood - Calais Cottage 1990
Ascott under Wychwood. Ascott Manor 1999
Ascott under Wychwood. Sheepwash 1996
Aerial photograph of the new Leafield Technical Centre - TWR-1. Date: c 1990s
Aerial view of Leafield Technical Centre Date: c. 1990s
Upper Milton, Milton under Wychwood. The Sheep Wash and pool in its pre-restored state. The site was cleaned and restored by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens in 1995
Upper Milton, Milton under Wychwood.The Sheep Wash and pool in its pre-restored state.The site was cleaned and restored by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens in 1995
Upper Milton, Milton under Wychwood. The Sheep Wash and pool in its pre-restored state, but with new drystone walling. The site was cleaned and restored by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens in 1995
Upper Milton, Milton under Wychwood. The Sheep Wash and pool in its pre-restored state, but with new drystone walling. The site was cleaned and restored by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens in 1995
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