The Wychwoods Local History Society Talks Programme 2024 / 2025

See below our outlined planned programme from September 2024 to May 2025 below and please keep an eye on this page for further news (including any changes) on our series of evening talks and other activities.

The Society in normal times meets once per month from September to May each year. Generally, all meetings are held in Milton-under-Wychwood Village Hall. 

Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month from 7:30pm – 9:00pm.

Members – FREE Guests – £3 per person

Anyone with an interest in local history is very welcome to join us.


11 Sep           Edward Caswell :     Finds Officer Portable Antiquities Scheme    

9 Oct            Julie Ann Godson:    Our Boys 1914 – 1918

13 Nov          150 Years Cospatrick Disaster

11 Dec           Tim Healey:  Victorian Christmas


8 Jan            Jonathan Maisey and Joe Duxbury: Cotswold Quarries Part 2

12 Feb         Liz Woolley:    Child Labour in 19th Century Oxfordshire

12 Mar      Paul Booth:   Archaeology developments in the Chipping Norton area.

9 Apr          Laurence Waters    Chipping Norton Branch Line

14 May Society AGM followed by “From our Archive”