WLHS Photo Displays in Milton under Wychwood Library

Our programme of photograph displays continues in the Wychwoods Library in Milton. We aim to change the theme regularly throughout the year. In doing so, we will be hoping to demonstrate the huge variety and breadth of subjects to be found in our archive.

Part of our Ellis Groves Slides display

The Library Display Programme

Here is a record of our 2023/24 programme so far:

Sept 22nd : Ellis Groves Slides
Oct 27th : Transport in the Wychwoods
Dec 8th : Christmas and Pantomimes
Jan 20th : Snow Scenes: “A Winter’s Tale in The Wychwoods”
Mar 9th: “Wriggly Tin” – Corrugated Iron in the Wychwoods
Apr 20th:“Back to School” in the Wychwoods
June 8th: Howzat! History of Cricket in the Wychwoods

More subjects coming soon.

When to Visit

Details of the Milton under Wychwood Library opening times are here

Your Thoughts?

We would welcome your feedback and comments – and especially would like to hear from you if you recognise individuals in our photo displays, or have any stories or memories relating to any particular image

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