New Ascott under Wychwood Village Trail

Following the success of the first village trails of Milton and Shipton, The Arts Society Cotswolds (TASC) has launched the third in the series at Ascott.

The new Ascott trail is in three parts, each beginning and ending on the village green.

Part one is focused on the centre of the village. Part two goes along the High Street and includes an optional longer footpath to Manor Farm and the site of Ascott D’Oyley castle. Part three takes you in the direction of Tiddy Hall and the site of Ascott Earl Castle.

The Village Trails created by TASC are being publicised around each village.

The New Ascott Village Trail Poster and QR Code
The Shipton Village Trail Poster and QR Code

Each trail comprises a description and image of individual landmarks in each village and invites answers to simple questions about those landmarks. All three trails have language simple enough for children to follow, but they are also suitable for all ages.

There are optional amounts of walking required. The trails need not be completed in one session.

How to get my Village Trail Copy?

Milton Village Trail Poster with QR Code

In various locations around each village, there are posters which have a QR code on them, so that the trail can be downloaded on to a smart phone or tablet and printed off as necessary.

Paper copies of the trails are also available free of charge at many locations in each village.

Or you can download from the Arts Society of the Cotswolds website here, using these links:

Read more on the TASC website here >>>>