Family History Day at Ascott under Wychwood

The Event Poster

The society was pleased to support the Ascott under Wychwood Family and Local History event at Tiddy Hall on June 22nd.

Part of the WLHS Photo Display

We organised a display of photos from Wychwoods villages, as well as demonstrations of our extensive digital photo library. It was a welcome opportunity to hear and share memories and put some names to several photos (group and individuals). Often these come to us with missing or incomplete information, and so it is always a benefit to fill in gaps and continue the learning process.

The Ascott Martyrs Family Tree

On show also was the amazing Ascott Martyrs Family Tree and some of the tools used by farmers before mechanisation. Also on show was a stand organised the Oxfordshire Family History Society, who were on hand to give advice and help for those looking to develop their family tree, or perhaps start their own journey of family history discovery.

As an extra treat, visitors were regaled with music and dance from the Charlbury-Finstock Morris who performed traditional Ascott dances outside the hall.

The Oxfordshire Family History Society
Taking a closer look …. The Wychwoods Local History Display